At the height of strategic futures
We are
a strategic and creative futures agency
Our Approach
Our approach to strategic futures is anchored in journalism.
Our journalistic mindset enables us to dive deep into advanced ideas, detect and analyze the trends and tactics reshaping the business landscape, and conduct original, filmed interviews with influential thinkers around the globe.
Our skillset, combined with decades-long experience as a strategic futures consultant to corporations, is the foundation of The Futurist NYC.
Our Values
Check your facts, your sources, and your own sense of integrity.
If you make a mistake, correct it.
Advance confidently so that your imagination can meet success.
Keep it real.
It's not OK to lie. It's wrong. Don't lie.
Show manners.
Uphold the social contract. Be kind.
Positive Reinforcement
Champion creativity.
Uplift one another.
We are a decentralized organization. Our operation is agile and global. Every project is team generated and team activated with a multi-disciplinary network of specialists.
Mary MM McGuinness
1998 - Present
Projects, Publications
Research, Analysis, Output
Guest Speaker, Awards
Executive Producer
United Nations
Summit of the Future. Our Collective Humanity and Pluralism. Co-organized by Interstellar Foundation and UNESCO IESALC. Activity: Guest Speaker. (September 2024)
Future Ideas of the Year
Annual digest of the most future-forward ideas, innovations and people who defined the year.
Activity: Projects. (Lauch date: January 2025)
Quarterly Newsletter
Advanced air mobility, the spark of nuclear, and snapshot across government, agriculture, quantum and sport.
Activity: Research and Outputs. (June 2024)
TF | The Intelligence Review.
American periodical on future ideas and events emerging in business and society. Provocative & Possible.
Activity: Projects. (January 2024)
The Futurist NYC
Website launch
Activity: Projects. (January 2024)
Brad Katsuyama, CEO, Investors Exchange (IEX) Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2016)
Scott Walchek, Founder, TROV. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed interview. (2016)
Joseph Lubin, CEO, ConsenSys. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2016)
Mike Sha, Founder, SigFig. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed interview. (2016)
Future of Work and Financial Services. Client Sector: Technology. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2016)
Retail & The Beauty Consumer. Client Sector: Personal Care. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2016)
Cognitive Futures. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2015)
Future of Radical Responsibility. Client Sector: Chemicals, Materials & Commodities. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2015)
Macrotrends. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2015)
Fragmented World 2025. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2015)
Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems. Client Sector. Auto & Transportation. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2015)
Christopher Ahlberg, CEO, Recorded Future. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Jalak Jobanputra, Founder, Future\Perfect Ventures. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Paul Saffo, Technology forecaster. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Salim Ismail, Serial entrepreneur. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Tim Draper, American investor. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Tim O’Reilly, CEO, O'Reilly Media. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Gunnar Carlsson, Mathematician. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Ellen Jorgensen, Molecular biologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Jacki Morie, Virtual Reality Pioneer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2014)
Outside disruptions changing paradigms. Client Sector: Chemicals, Materials, Commodities. Activity: Research Output. (2014)
What would Google do? Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2014)
Transformation Biology. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2014)
Context of The Future of Cities 2025. Client Sector: Auto & Transportation. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2014)
The Future of Motility. Client Sector: Auto & Transportation. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2013)
New Business Propositions. Client Sector: Technology. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2012)
Brand Lexicon. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2012)
Citizens of the Solar System. Activity. Project. (2012)
Lucy McRae, Body Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Bill Davenhall, Geomedicine founder. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Geoffrey West, Theoretical physicist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
George Church, Geneticist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
John Petersen, Futurist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Duncan Watts, Computational social scientist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Thomas Goetz, Author. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Rollin McCraty, Researcher. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Dacher Keltner, Psychology professor. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Heather Wood Ion, Founder, The Epidemic of Health. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
Michael Rose, Biologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2011)
How can we create a society that's addicted to health? Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2011)
How to avoid the Kodak Moment. Client Sector: Technology. (2011) Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2011)
Sputnik Observatory. Co-Director, not-for-profit organization. Activity: Projects (2010)
Honoree Webby Award for Cultural Institutions. Co-Director, not-for-profit organization. Activity: Awards (2010)
Imagining 2020. Regenerative Nutrition. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2009)
Diana Cox-Foster, Researcher. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
David Hackenberg, Beekeeper. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
Shahid Naeem, Biologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
Jack Sarfatti, Theoretical physicist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
Pamela Ronald, Plant pathologist and geneticist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
Rita Colwell, Microbiologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2009)
The Future of Sweat. Client Sector: CPG. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2008)
What if everyone on the planet was connected? Client Sector: Technology. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2008)
The Future of the Beauty of Color. Client Sector: Personal Care. Activity: Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2007)
Premium Small. Client Sector: Auto & Transportation. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2007)
How Big is Your World? "Special" Innovation. Client Sector: Technology. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2007)
Michelle Addington, Dean of Architecture. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Brian Goodwin, Biologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Sean Hanna, Professor, Design Computing. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Michael Hensel, Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Donald Ingber, Biologist and bioengineer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Fabian Maman, Musician. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
Hiro Yamagata, Artist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2007)
The Future of Renewables. Client Sector: Materials, Chemicals, Commodities. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2006)
What Makes A Good Company? Client Sector: Technology. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2006)
The Future of Safety & Sustainability. Client Sector: Materials & Chemicals Sector. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2006)
I Think Therefore I am a Spirochete. UK Government DTI Foresight. Activity: Guest Speaker. (2006)
What's Beyond Petroleum? Podcast. Activity: Executive Producer (2006)
The Future of Entertainment & Travel. Client Sector: Entertainment. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output (2006)
Reid Hoffman, Internet entrepreneur. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Louis Fox and Jonah Sachs, Storytellers, The Meatrix. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Steven Dunifer, Founder, Free Radio Berkeley. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Susmita Mohanty, Spaceship designer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Lars Spuybroek, Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Brendan Walker, Founder, Thrill Laboratory. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Philip Ball, Science Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Richard Wool, Professor, Chemical Engineering. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Jan Kaplicky, Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Arvind Palep, Film Producer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Mae-Wan Ho, Geneticist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Vinton Cerf, One of "the fathers of the internet." Activity: Journalist and Executive of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Jonathan J. Harris, Artist and Technologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Jacques Vallee, Computer Scientist and Venture Capitalist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Trevor Paglen, Artist and Geographer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Tavares Strachen, Artist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Josh Tickell, Film Director. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Robert Kalin, Founder, Etsy. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, Physicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Alisa Andrasek, Designer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Lee M. Silver, Biologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Andreas Vogler, Architect. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Greg Lynn, Architect. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Katie Salen, Game Designer and Animator. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Mitchell Joachim, Architect. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Christina Kubisch, Composer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Fritz Popp, Biophysicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2006)
Will We Live Forever? Documentary Film Report. Activity: Executive Producer (2005)
Super-Premium. Client Sector: Financial Services. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2004)
Where is The Power of Sound? Documentary Film Report. Activity: Executive Producer (2004)
Jacques Benveniste, Immunologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2004)
Dr. Wendy Hurwitz, Mind/Body Practitioner. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2004)
Zoltan Istvan, Futurist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2004)
The Pleasure Principle. Publication. Activity: Publisher. (2003)
Ralph Metzner, Psychologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Martin Rees, Cosmologist and astrophysicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Edmund Rolls, Neuroscientist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Rolf Landauer, Physicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
George Whitesides, Chemist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Lester Grinspoon, Psychiatrist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Bettina Pause, Psychologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Alberto Villoldo, Medical anthropologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Will Wright, Game designer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Ernst Mayr, Biologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2003)
Peter Russell, Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Stuart Firestein, Researcher. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Ervin Laszlo, Philosopher. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Thomas J. Goodwin, Cellular physiologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Tom Cellucci, Serial entrepreneur. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Takasaki Masahuru, Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Maurice Nio, Architect. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Luca Turin, Biophysicist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Michio Kaku, Physicist and Science Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Rachel Herz, Psychologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
John Wheeler, Theoretical Physicist. Activity: On-Set. Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Jem Finer, Musician. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Nitin Sawhney, Musician. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
John Anthony West, Author. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Kevin Kelly, Editor. Activity: Executive Producer of in-person digitally filmed interview. (2002)
Bernard Haisch, Astrophysicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Robert Bauval, Writer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
John Beaulieu, Musical artist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Janine Benyus, Science writer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Paul Hawken, Environmentalist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Honor Harger, Curator and Artist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Vasant Lad, Physician. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Lynn Margulis, Evolutionary biologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Jill Purce, Voice Teacher. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Hal Puthoff, Engineer, SRI. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Rupert Sheldrake, Author and Biologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Robert Thurman, Buddhist author. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Candace Pert, Neuroscientist and pharmacologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Ossi Urchs, Internet media pioneer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Natasha Vita-More, Human enhancement designer. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Danah Zohar, Management thought leader. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Colin Andrews, Researcher. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Lee & Glenn Perry, Founders, Samadhi Tank Company. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Sissel Tolass, Artist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Jelle Atema, Ichthyologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Jofish Kaye, Computer scientist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Roald Hoffman, Chemist, Noble Prize Winner, 1981. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Karl Pribram, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Andrew Weil, Integrative health doctor. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Mandayam Srinivasan, Founder, The Touch Lab, MIT. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Margaret Livingstone, Professor of Neurobiology, Harvard. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
David Abram, Ecologist and philosopher. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Diana Thater, Artist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Richard Cytowic, Neurologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Wade Davis, Explorer-in-Residence, National Geographic Society. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Harold Morowitz, Biophysicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Marilyn Schlitz, Anthropologist. Activity: Executive Producer of in-person digitally filmed interview. (2002)
Jeffrey Mishlove, Clinical psychologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Colin Andrews, Author. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
David Peat, Physicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Ian Stewart, Mathematician. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Janna Levin, Cosmologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Anthony Synnott, Sociologist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Dean Radin, Scientist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Constance Classen, Cultural Historian. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Dr. Hinderk Emrich, Psychiatrist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Manfred Clynes, Scientist and inventor. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2002)
Guilt-Free Luxury. Client Sector: Auto & Transportation. Activity: Research, Analysis, Output. (2002)
ManTRANSforms. Where are we headed as a culture, as a species? Activity: Executive Producer, Curator, Live Public Event. (2001)
Fritjof Capra, Physicist. Activity: Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2001)
Man As Species. Publication. Activity: Editor (2000)
Mosaics of the Mind. Publication. Activity: Publisher (2000)
Doze Green, Artist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Vernor Vinge, Computer Scientist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Daniel Dennett, Cognitive Scientist and Philosopher. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Stewart Brand, Project Developer and Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Amy Franchesini, Artist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Lester Thurow, Political Economist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Erik Davis, Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Freeman Dyson, Theoretical Physicist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Paul Grayson, Entrepreneur. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
John Perry Barlow, Cyberlibertarian. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Jack Ox, Artist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Dr. Stephen LaBerge, Psychophysiologist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Eric White, Artist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Peter Coppin, Cognitive Science Designer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Hans Moravec, Computer Scientist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Robert Bigelow, Businessman, Bigelow Aerospace. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Ann Druyan, Documentary Producer. Activity: On-set. Executive of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Jaron Lanier, Computer Scientist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Dorion Sagan, Writer. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Lee Smolin, Physicist. Activity: Journalist and Executive Producer of digitally filmed in-person interview. (2000)
Bruce Sterling, Science fiction author. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1999)
ThreeASFOUR (formerly AsFour), Fashion House. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1999)
Paul D. Miller, Composer. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1999)
John Maeda, VP Design and AI at Microsoft. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1999)
Alex "Sandy" Pentland, Computer Scientist. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1999)
Carlucci, Artist. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Stefan Sagmeister, Graphic Designer. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Chico MacMurtrie, Artist. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
R.U. Sirius, Writer. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Vivian Selbo, Artist. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Naut Humon, Composer. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Iara Lee, Producer and Director. Activity: Journalist, digitally filmed in-person interview. (1998)
Contact Us
In an age where everything is happening everywhere all at once, there's a call to return to concrete ideas that have substance and value. So we decided, literally, to be apart of the concrete jungle where dreams are made of —New York. The heart of economic greatness and media capital of the world.